Wellness is an all-in sort of thing.  It doesn’t work when it’s out of sight, out of mind.  Your wellness program must be visible, not just a virtual initiative, if you want to change your culture. By making health and wellness available to your employees at your workplace, you can create change that you can see.

In order to move the needle for a company’s culture, an on-site health expert is essential. In addition to addressing workplace issues like repetitive strain, ergonomics, and posture, they will bring structure and insight to your wellness program, overseeing every aspect of it.

How We Can Help You With Wellness

Corporate Chiropractic

Chiropractic Care

Seated massage

RMT Chair Massage

Office Ergonomics

Movement and Ergonomic Workshops

Work Stretches

Stretching and Exercise Workshops

Benefits of Corporate Wellness


Decreased Company Cost

Next to the common cold, musculoskeletal pain is the leading cause of work time lost. Access to on-site care can decrease lost work time and decrease WCB claims. 

Harvard Business review revealed that for every dollar invested in direct care and intervention yielded $6 in health care savings.  That’s a 6:1 ROI!

Increased Productivity

Happier Employees

Access to massage therapy, even for 15 minutes, can reduce employee stress by up to 85%.  Employees that are pain-free and less stressed are happy employees. 

Workers who participate in employer-sponsored health initiatives are more loyal to their company and less likely to search for jobs elsewhere. 

Increased Productivity

Increased Employee Productivity

Experiencing pain while at work can be draining. Having on-site care not only keeps employees happy, it allows them to focus on necessary tasks without the distraction of pain.

The annual employer costs for pain-related presenteeism (present but not productive) is a staggering $46.9 Billion. 

Improved Office Morale

Approximately 69% of employees agree that wellness is important to the culture at work.  Also, 89% of those who participate say the programs improved their overall happiness and well-being.

Greater happiness within the workplace keeps employees loyal.  Companies with effective wellness programs have ~6% less attrition. 

Decreased Absenteeism

Direct access to chiropractic and/or massage treatment gives employees the right care they need instantly!

Companies with health and wellness programs report an average of 28% less sick leave, 26% less direct health care costs, and 30% reduction in workers’ comp and disability costs.

Healthy Employee

Improved Employee Health

The #1 cause of worker disability is work-related musculoskeletal injuries. Painkillers are highly addictive and are not always effective long-term. Access to natural healing methods is beneficial.   

Keeping your employees healthy and mobile will help them avoid serious accidents, surgery, or prescription painkillers.


Partnering with Enhanced Health & Wellness in Edmonton is a step in the right direction.  Not only do we have experience with providing corporate wellness to schools and local businesses, but we are also always working on refining our services to provide greater value for our clients.  Reasons to begin a corporate wellness program with us:

  • Scheduling flexibility
    • We work with your company to find a time that works best for us to come in.  For ongoing services, we can schedule regular on-site care on a monthly basis
  • Variety of treatments offered
    • While other businesses may just offer chair massage, by also offering chiropractic care, your company now has a musculoskeletal expert to address conditions that cannot be resolved from massage alone.
  • Preventative health workshops
    • Our health experts can guide your employees through movement and exercises/stretches that help to prevent injuries while at work
  • Patient Education
    • As the old saying goes, ‘Knowledge Is Power!’  The more your employees know about moving better, causes of injuries, and ways to stay healthy, the better your employees will feel over all.
  • WCB Provider
    • Not all injuries can be prevented unfortunately.  If one of your employees does injure themselves at work, our clinic is a licensed WCB provider.  By working with us, our practioners will already know the tasks and abilities needed to perform the job at hand.  This will help guide treatment to achieve more successful outcomes in the shortest amount of time.


How is a corporate wellness programs funded?

Corporate wellness programs may be funded by the company, by insurance providers, or by a combination of both.

Can small businesses implement a corporate wellness program?

Yes, small businesses can implement a corporate wellness program. These programs may be tailored to the needs and resources of the company, and may include initiatives such as chair massages, movement workshops, and chiropractic care.

Which initiative is best for my company?

That depends!  As mentioned above, we have a variety of programs that we offer.  Maybe you want to host an ’employee appreciation day’, then setting up a chair massage event for your employees may be the best choice. 
In another example, you may want to take a proactive approach to try to minimize workplace injury.  In this case having an on-site chiropractor to provide treatment or to host a movement/stretching workshop may be the direction to go. 

How are the success and effectiveness of a corporate wellness program measured?

The success and effectiveness of a corporate wellness program can be measured using a variety of metrics, such as employee participation rates, changes in health outcomes, and healthcare cost savings.
